Saturday, July 11, 2015

Back to reality...

I arrived back to Australia yesterday morning. Unfortunately, my last days in Finland didn't go according to plan. All it took was an email from my boss telling me I haven't been doing my job, and the past 6 weeks of unprecedented work productivity and good feeling all came tumbling down. I can't say I'm not despirited but I will try not to be defeated. I will be meeting with him on Monday. Let's see how it goes.


Anonymous said...

At times we do things that we might expect to be criticized for but when we have tried hard and we get crap like that, it is hurtful and not nice.

Adaptive Radiation said...

I absolutely agree! I will definitely also need to toughen up a bit more if I am going to succeed.

Victor said...

Catching up with your news. Some bosses are difficult. With some bosses it is not so much that they are difficult rather that their communication skills are lacking.

I see from your next post perhaps your boss falls into the latter category.

Adaptive Radiation said...

He can be both Victor but I always try to see the very best in people and he has many excellent qualities too. Hopefully I can learn a lot from him (one way or the other).