Monday, March 31, 2008

Cat vomit and Whitney Houston

Was chatting this morning with a girl on the train whom I had spoken with from time to time in the past. The last time, she was telling me about her cat vomitting just as she was about to head out the door to go to work. This time she filled me in on more cat vomit stories. It seems like her cat is prone to vomitting fur balls and half eaten lizards. The coversation continued from the train to the bus stop. By this stage, we had progressed (?) onto last night's episode of "So you think you can dance". Apparently, Kate is her favourite. And we were both wondering what the hell was going on with Reece's see through outfit. By now, we had been joined by another friend of hers (who was on the same train). Cat girl started talking about Kate's performance last night dancing to 'Queen of the Night' by Whitney Houston. She turned to her friend and asked "You like Witney Houston don't you?" The friend looked a little embarrassed. "I cant believe you just asked me that on the bus," she replied. Apparently the friend didn't know the song so cat girl started to sing it to her. Cat girl rocks.

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