Thursday, September 26, 2013

new acquisition

One of these is by an American artist and is owned by The National Gallery of Australia. The other was painted by an aboriginal artist and just entered my collection. Which is which?


Anonymous said...

The top one is the Aboriginal art? I like the top one.

Evol Kween said...

I'm thinking the top one is the aboriginal artist. The bottom one looks like an early Rothko, or some other Abstract Expressionist painter.....

Adaptive Radiation said...

Yep the top one it is. The second one is by American expressionist Morris Louis who was famous for his colour fields paintings.

Victor said...

Oh dear, I went for the reverse. I prefer the American work this time.

Adaptive Radiation said...

Victor, The American work is worth several orders of magnitude more than my humble piece so it means you've got expensive taste. Nothing wrong with that.